About ZM-Grow™
A Premium Level Foliar Fertiliser
Using unique technology developed by Tracegrow in Finland, Manganese and Zinc are extracted from used alkaline batteries and processed into premium-standard Sulphate basedliquid foliar fertiliser. Tracegrows ZM-Grow fulfils all requirements of EC legislation concerning fertilisers and is approved for use as an organic fertiliser under EU regulations. Not only is ZM-Grow proven highly effective but it is also the world's most ecological Zinc, Manganese and Sulphur based fertiliser product in which the key micronutrients nutrients are recycled. To ensure quality, purity and consistency every batch is monitored and overseen by 100% external independent quality control certified laboratories. ZM-Grow™ has been certified for organic use in the UK by OF&G (Organic Farms and Growers).
We can now coat your fertiliser with ZM-Grow applying vital micro-nutrients precisely when your crop needs them. A cost effective way of giving your crop a boost. Contact us for more information.
To find out more about ZM-Grow and ZMC-Grow (Mn, Zn, S & Cu) and to see the latest trial data go to: www.badgercropnutrition.co.uk