Soil Sampling Service
Fill in the form to book your soils sampling and specialist services that will add value to your crop. Basic tests are FREE as long as your order goes through Paynes. Any specialist service is chargeable

Soil Analysis Services
Soil sampling analysis is a FREE service to Payne Crop Nutrition farmer customers, but is chargeable if no purchase of a root crop or vegetable blend is made. We are happy to give advice, please speak to your Payne Crop Nutrition technical sales advisor for more information.
Payne Crop Nutrition's key focus is on root crops for soil analysis but is able to carry out soil sampling for combinable crops on a charging basis.
Fields are sampled by our in house FACTS Trained team.
Samples are Independently analysed by a recognised Lab - NRM.
We are now able to offer a Soil Health Check
While we are out on your fields, carrying out standard free P-K-Mg0-pH tests for our root crop customers, we can now take additional samples and do a “Soil Health check” which includes Organic Carbon levels and Trace elements. We will only charge nominal fee for the cost of the test.
Soil Sampling is Key to Crop Nutrition
Soil sampling can add value and reduce waste by indicating the exact nutrient requirements for your crop and soil. By targeting and balancing the needs of your crop we cut out wasted use of nutrients and cost. This strategy works for you and for the environment.
Testing your field
A soil-sampling auger allows the sampler to sample at depth without digging, making sampling at the correct depth relatively straightforward while also ensuring that the same amount of soil is collected from each sampling location. Our samplers use a plastic bucket for collecting cores and mixing them before putting them in the sample packaging. The use of metallic buckets should be avoided as they often contain elements that can contaminate analyses. We test for Phosphate, Potash, Magnesium and pH levels. Tests for other elements such as Boron, Sulphur, Copper, Zinc, and Sodium are available on request.

What happens next?
The soil analysis results are returned to us in the standard DEFRA index system 0-10, 0 being deficient and 10 being high in nutrients. This is the standard layout that all labs use. A Payne Crop Nutrition sales advisor will then interpret the results, using DEFRA, RB209, previous cropping and local knowledge, will make a nutrient recommendation for your crop and supply you with the correct fertiliser.
For help and information call Gemma Hammond on 07927 700810