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Renewables p-grow

What is P-grow?
P-grow is an environmentally friendly, renewable, phosphate fertiliser with a valuable calcium content derived from the incineration of poultry litter.
In addition to phosphate, P-grow typically contains: sodium (4% Na2O), sulphur (2% SO3), potash (2-3% K2O) and magnesium (1% MgO).
Key features of p-grow are:
P-grow is rich in phosphate, essential to improving early root development
P-grow is available to all crops and will raise your soil phosphate indices
P-grow provides phosphate in an available form as the crop needs it
P-grow is a totally natural product
P-grow is produced at state-of-the-art power stations in the UK, producing green electricity for Britain

Why use P-grow?
P-grow is competitively priced with similar phosphate products across the UK and offers an alternative environmentally sound and reliable phosphate from renewable British sources. It is a safe, pathogen free, environmentally friendly and agronomically effective fertiliser containing useful plant nutrients for UK Agriculture.
P-grow provides phosphate (P2O5) in both immediately available and long lasting forms, providing the plant nutrient throughout the growing season - helping to replenish soil fertility.
It's use on UK soils directly replaces environmentally costly imported phosphates.
P-grow contains calcium and sulphur, so helps maintain pH & soil structure and maximises the uptake of nitrogen and hence protein synthesis. Sodium will improve the palatability of grass and help maintain healthy pastures.
Quality consistent fuel source and continuous sampling means the physical quality and nutrient analysis of the product vary very little.

Is P-grow safe to use?
P-grow is derived from UK agriculture and is closely monitored for chemical composition and traceability. The incineration process takes the litter to a minimum of 850°C for 2 seconds and is WID compliant so ensures no pathogens or proteins remain. By creating a consistent quality ash product it makes it easier to spread accurately. The sellers of P-grow, are regulated under the UK FIAS regulations and are also ISO9001 compliant. All deliveries of P-grow are supported by an appropriate statutory statement.
Applying P-grow.
P-grow is currently only available as a coarse powder and is best spread using contractors' moving belt machines. There is a comprehensive network of distributors and merchants throughout the UK who have access to suitable machines. It is ideally tipped on a hard, free draining surface, just prior to time of application. It is not easily affected by normal rainfall while standing.
P-grow is an effective phosphate fertiliser and can be used as a substitute for conventional fertilisers in nearly all arable situations.
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